Who is GECU?


Greater Eastern Credit Union was chartered in 1952 as a non-profit financial institution to serve the employees of the Mountain Home Veterans Administration Medical Center. In keeping with GECU's original mission, the credit union has consistently provided members with quality financial products and exceptional service. After many years of serving Mountain Home Government Employees, the GECU Member Board of Directors recognized the opportunity to expand GECU membership to the surrounding communities and offer the exceptional service GECU members enjoy. Each year GECU continues to maintain an exceptionally strong financial status and stability that provides GECU members a confidence in the security of their deposits and the strength of the credit union.

As of December 2024, GECU has assets totaling over $55 million with over 3,900 members. As GECU membership to grow, the credit union is committed to offering superior financial products and exceptional service to the GECU membership.

Our Vision

"To Guide our Members to a Greater Financial Future!"

Our Mission Statement

"Provide our members with financial products while surpassing their expectations with extraordinary service and commitment."

Our Personal Code of Ethics: How can we be OF HELP ?

– O wnership
– F amily
– H armony
– E xperience
– L oyalty
– P erseverance